Tuesday, 15 May 2012

What I've Learned from Blogging

Meaningful Things After Blogging

I would like to say a big and warm THANK YOU to all of my audience for helping me with this Cyber Community Movement (CCM) Project by supporting my blog on stray dogs as well as participating in my online petition that I created at iPetition.com to promote the awareness of abused stray dogs. I am happy and grateful that I was able to reach my target of a 100 signatures for my online petition. Below is the link to the data of the signatures I've managed to obtain. Feel free to view them :


I never thought it was possible. I do have to admit it was difficult at the beginning to persuade and influence people to be a part of my project but somehow through my blog, emails and a lot of help from Facebook and lastly not forgetting by word of mouth through pamphlets, I finally managed to make a difference.

It has been a wonderful and great experience for me to complete my project for my SAU 216 Globalization, Cyber Culture & Future Studies course. When I started this course, I was very worried because 'creating a social movement and 'making a change' was a very abstract thing to me. I was hesitant and even thought that I had signed up for the wrong course because I was not really into the 'cyber world'. However, my mindset has changed and making a difference in the world can be achieved using the cyber world. There is no doubt that the cyber community we live in is expanding and if we tend to ignore it because we perceive it to be 'negative', then it will be a great lost. I've learnt that many positive things can come out of blogging and connecting with people from all over the world as well as those who are close to me. 

Change is possible through the Internet if we really put our minds to it. I have learned that it also takes more patience in influencing people to participate in my project. I've learned a thing a two about human behaviour while interacting through the cyber space. Forms and methods of interactions on cyber space has to be altered in order to persuade people to participate in my project. Yes, they are some people who are very supportive and some who are difficult to interact with. However, I'm looking on the bright side that I was able to interact with people near and far to spread the awareness which I hold so closely to my heart.

This project has also made an impact on me as a animal lover and as an university student. In order for people to change around me in supporting this cause, I had to take the first step in making people believe that I was truly sincere and concerned about abused stray dogs. Change starts with us, as individuals regardless whether we decide to use cyber space as a platform.

I would like to dedicate this blog to all the abused stray dogs who are still out there and those who have not survived. May God Bless their souls and may justice for them prevail !

I'll leave you all with some great quotes which I strongly believe in:

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world"-  Mahatma Gandhi

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."-  Margaret Mead

"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language"- Martin Buber

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Dixie's enjoying a nap on my bed. Look at how her eyes sparkle :) 

I'm seriously thinking of using my blog to sell Dino away :) He's bit me 3 times already this week because he's still a little stressed. But the look he gives me is priceless...plus he accompanies me during late nights when I'm finishing my assignments, it's ok...I've changed my mind...I'm keeping him :)

Thursday, 10 May 2012

Mother's Day Message

Found this video very touching and wanted to share this with all of you. The puppy in this video refuses to leave his mother who died a few days ago along a busy highway. The puppy stays beside her and even rejects help from humans.

This video makes me think of mothers as well. What would we do without them? Well, I never really loved animals till my mum brought home Dixie from the pet store. Then, it was love at first sight. So, there is no doubt that mothers, mums or mummys do the best job at teaching their children to love one another as well as all living creatures on earth. Without mum's encouragement, I would not have learn to love dogs in this case, Dixie.

The saddest part is Dixie has eye cataract now and its not getting better. Please keep her in your prayers. I can't imagine how Dixie feels about her mother. Since Mother's Day is approaching, I can't help but feel that dogs too yearn for their mothers wherever they may be.

God Bless My Mum for showing and instilling in me that love for animals are equally important as loving human beings. God Be With all other mothers out there. God Bless Dixie's Mum and all dogs who are mothers and who are missing their little puppies.

P.S Do you think mum needs another puppy for Mother's Day ?

Shot of the Week : Dixie gets to go on the bed because she's a GOOD gal !

Shot of the Week : Dino gets to sit outside in the balcony because he is a BAD boy !

Petition Target : 100 signatures
As of 11/5/2012 : 86 signatures
Thanks for the support! For those who want to be a part of my social movement project, feel free to leave your signatures on my petition at


Saturday, 5 May 2012

Following in the Footsteps of Celebrities

If Stars are Helping Out, So Can We!

Many celebrities have donated their time and energy in helping and promoting the awareness and good causes that highlights the plight of stray dogs. Here are a few celebrities that may influence you to be more concern about stray dogs and to take action wherever you may be.  

1. 600 million Dogs.org

This  amazing project is trying to solve the overpopulation of stray dogs by developing and utilising pills that can sterilise animals for life. They are currently developing scientific formulas to achieve a "super birth control pill" for animals,  that can put an end to the sufferings of stray dogs. Both David Duchovny and Eric Roberts are supporting this project and try to raise donations for the fantastic cause.


2. Stray Dog on a Film Set

Recently in Romania, Mickey Rourke adopted a stray dog, 'Foxy' which was found on his film set. A bill allowing the slaughter of stray dogs has been passed in Romania and because of this, Rourke decided to take action. He later said “The ones that are here, that aren’t here anymore, because sometimes when a man’s alone, that’s all you got is your dog. And they meant the world to me.”

 3. Stray Dog at WalMart

Miley Cyrus found a mix puppy in the parking lot of Walmart and decided to take him home. She named him 'Happy' and later tweeted 'He was left in a box in front of Walmart...I don't understand how people can be so cruel!'.


 3. The First Family

Bo Obama is famous for being the White House's First Dog. The Obamas adopted him from the shelter. Adopting has also been proven to save the lives of stray dogs. And if the First Family can do it, so can we! This comes to show that even stray dogs or rescue dogs are equally lovable!

Obama's Puppy Bo Moves Into the White House!: A Doggone Surprise!

(Source : www.usmagazine.com)

Petition Target : 100 signatures
As of 5/6/2012 : 81 signatures
Thanks for the support! For those who want to be a part of my social movement project, feel free to leave your signatures on my petition at



Saturday, 28 April 2012

My Online Petition is Up!

Dear caring & loving audience,

I have successfully created an online petition. Please support by clicking on the link below and signing the petition.


Help me : Promote the awareness of stray dog abuse and say yes to take steps to report them !

Let's create a social movement that we will never forget !

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless !

Monday, 23 April 2012

The Dark Side of Stray Dogs

The Reality : Why Many of Us Prefer Them Dead !

Stray dogs have been a menace and always will be! Sure, its a harsh statement but we can never deny that part of it is true. I would have said 'Fine' if a stray dog was to be put down when I was younger. They were like 'little monsters' in my eyes ! Many of us look at the dark of stray dogs based on experiences and events that occur around us. Once we've established that, it becomes a clear sign of what we MUST do : KILL THEM !!

Let's take a look at a few 'reasons' why we hate stray dogs :

1. Strays carry diseases : rabies
2. Strays suddenly begin to act aggressive and attacks little children
    & the elderly                                                                                   
3. The ultimate : Strays can cause a person's life. They KILL.

Stray dogs in Srinagar

In Kashmir, stray dogs have become a threat to humans. Officials plan on eradicating stray dogs through poisoning or just shooting. Are these methods acceptable when it comes to putting them down?

The Situation in Penang

My Question is : Do dogs in Penang pose the same threats as I've mentioned earlier on? How far are we willing to use different methods in killing them? I personally think poisoning and shooting are the most inhumane methods of killing them, even so if the dog has injured or killed a human being. Euthanizing each dog via injection can be an expensive method but can we actually offer each stray dog that option?

What Penangite Stray Dog's Do :

- Disruption of rubbish near residential areas
- Noise pollution
- Attack and hurting people
- Causing a construction breakdown or power failure

Yes, they're harmful but there are ways to stop them. Even the thought of poisoning a dog because he or she has caused unrest to a residential area is very questionable.

However, there is the other side to this story : Malaysians have double standards when it comes to cat and dogs, in this case stray cats and dogs! A stray dog is like a parasite rather than a stray cat. Why, who and how do we make assumptions like this? Stray cats have diseases and threats as well.

So what are your views on methods of killing stray dogs and why do Malaysians have this bad perception on stray dogs?

Photo by Maria Aloysius : Stray Dog in USM near the School of Languages Bus Stop



Thursday, 19 April 2012

Spay a Stray !

How Can We Help Stray Dogs ?

Yes, it easy to pick up the phone and make a complaint about stray dogs to either a government or private body. But, think again : Can we find another way to help these poor abandoned dogs ? Do we just resort to ending their lives straight away just because they are considered 'violent', 'pests' or  'destroyers' ? I strongly believe in dogs being put down, but methods such as shooting should be banned. Well, watching humans running after stray dogs to shoot them down or even bringing them into pounds to be shot is not a pretty sight. I'm of course speaking from my horrific past experiences. Imagine if the 'shooting' was conducted in a residential area, where little kids can have a full view of this ghastly sight. 

Believe or not, spaying or neutering can be the last solution before a stray dog is killed. Here are my top 3 reasons why strays should be spayed :

1.     Prevents a litter (So that the harmless puppies are not killed
        off with the 'mother dog')                                                       

2.     Stray dogs are less harmful after the spaying (They become
        friendlier, more affectionate with humans, plus they don't  
        mark their territory! - Hence less violence !)                       

3.     Prevent cancer in male and female stray dogs ! (You are
        actually looking after a dog's health when you say yes to
        spaying! - In this case, a stray dog's health !)

*      Food For Thought : Made a stray dog happy last night     
        after dad and I gave him our leftover food. Poor dog was
        so hungry, wagging his tail, he had his dinner. :)              

(Gender Reminder : DOG spelled backwards is GOD ! So, beware of how you treat them !)

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Touching Video & Poem About Stray Dogs

Stray Dogs : A Green light for Abuse ?

Fiona : The Rescued Blind Dog
(Source : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nnYRhanK3XA)

by Ashley Hobbs (Source : http://www.heartofohioboxerrescue.com/BoxerPoetry.html)

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.

He's been here for days now with nothing to do
But sit by the road, waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.

He's sure you'll come back, and that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?

His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger and falls, with a sigh.

He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

This poem reminded me of how I used to view stray dogs. I thought of them as a public nuisance but after being a dog owner, I believe that they have no voice and are always misrepresented by humans. Yes, stray dogs may cause unwanted troubles but humane methods of putting them down should be exercised. It is impossible for every stray dog to be saved by humans but at least their rights should be respected.
The recent earthquake on 11th April 2012 was indeed frightening. As the ground swayed for 3 minutes, I managed to grab my 2 dogs and ran out of the house. Without even realising, saving them was as important as saving myself. Just the thought of them being left at home, while I 'ran to safety' was unimaginable. They're God's creatures too and fear can cloud them as well. My thought was about stray dogs at the time. Don't get me wrong, I did think about the amount of people who would have to suffer due to the earthquake and tsunami alert. However, how many stray dogs or animals, for the matter who was already or about to be injured by this natural disaster. The bigger question was : Would they be saved? 
The video above depicts the journey of a stray blind dog who was rescued from the trash. Well, we don't have to look far to realise that is was a HUMAN BEING who abandoned the dog. To make matters even worse, she was 100% blind. This video portrays the sufferings, pains and a wonderful miracle that allows this little dog to see again. Through her eyes, we are able to see how hope and perseverance of this little dog helps healing and she clearly highlights why we should NEVER abuse, abandon or mistreat stray dogs.
(P.S : Please allow your tears to flow from your eyes as your watching this video. Imagine if is was your dog. I did both.)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Dixie & Dino : My 2 Reasons to Fight Dog Abuse

Why I Picked Stray / Abused Dogs To Make a Social Change? 
How Dixie Lola & Dino Zestor Made Me Realise !

Dixie Lola
  To tell everyone the truth, I never really loved, cared or admired animals. I was also oblivious to the fact of stray or abused dogs. My first dog, Dixie was left in a pet shop by her owner because the owner moved into an apartment that prohibited dogs. Dixie was depressed, in a cage until we brought her home. Then her personality changed from a isolated dog to the most loving dog we could ask for. Let me just say that, when I shed tears, Dixie will be the first one to notice and comfort me by placing her head on my lap. Then came Dino, a dog filled with the joy of life. Sadly before Dino was ours, he was sold to the same pet shop by his owners who abused him. From the bottom of my heart, I despise these people who committed this crime. Even before a visit to the vet, we could clearly see that Dino was abused because of his behaviour and gestures. He gets frightened easily and becomes violent without being provoked. My family vet was amazed and she confirmed that Dino had been verbally and physically abused. Hence, he suffers from stress and anxiety. Dino even attempted to bite me because he was experiencing the painful effects of abuse. 

 Both my dogs have managed to make an impact on me to a critical point where I want to make a stand against animal abuse. In this case, stray dogs are abused without any reasons. I want people to be aware of this issue through my blog and I highly encourage them to participate in signings of petitions to stop abuse of stray dogs. I want to focus on the functions of the Dog Unit in the Penang State Abattoir. I am not stating that stray dogs should not be put down but they should have 'last rites' such as being kept for 24 hours before execution and humane methods of euthanizing them. I strongly oppose shootings to put down dogs because it sends out a disturbing message. 

Dino Zestor
 I hope that my blog can appeal to people from all walks of life regardless whether  they own a pet. Dogs should never be abused especially stray dogs. We should remember that they still are man's best friend, in my case a girl's best friend too.