Saturday 28 April 2012

My Online Petition is Up!

Dear caring & loving audience,

I have successfully created an online petition. Please support by clicking on the link below and signing the petition.

Help me : Promote the awareness of stray dog abuse and say yes to take steps to report them !

Let's create a social movement that we will never forget !

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God Bless !


  1. you realy kindly girl.yes it must stop that Animal Abuse.because they are things of God.not only we are,but also animal.
    I am Jude

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for the comments. Please free to sign the petition to stop and report abuse of stray dogs at this address :

      Just leave your name and email. Thanks.

  2. hi i think what your doing is great. keep up the good work and you will make a real difference in the world. and because of your blog i will try to do my part.

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for the comments and support. If you din't sign my petition, please feel free to do so and if you have, god bless you.

    Have a great day.


All comments are appreciated very much! Thank you.