Thursday, 12 April 2012

Touching Video & Poem About Stray Dogs

Stray Dogs : A Green light for Abuse ?

Fiona : The Rescued Blind Dog
(Source :

by Ashley Hobbs (Source :

A dog sits waiting in the cold autumn sun.
Too faithful to leave, too frightened to run.

He's been here for days now with nothing to do
But sit by the road, waiting for you.

He can't understand why you left him that day.
He thought you and he were stopping to play.

He's sure you'll come back, and that's why he stays.
How long will he suffer? How many more days?

His legs have grown weak, his throat's parched and dry.
He's sick now from hunger and falls, with a sigh.

He lays down his head and closes his eyes.
I wish you could see how a waiting dog dies.

This poem reminded me of how I used to view stray dogs. I thought of them as a public nuisance but after being a dog owner, I believe that they have no voice and are always misrepresented by humans. Yes, stray dogs may cause unwanted troubles but humane methods of putting them down should be exercised. It is impossible for every stray dog to be saved by humans but at least their rights should be respected.
The recent earthquake on 11th April 2012 was indeed frightening. As the ground swayed for 3 minutes, I managed to grab my 2 dogs and ran out of the house. Without even realising, saving them was as important as saving myself. Just the thought of them being left at home, while I 'ran to safety' was unimaginable. They're God's creatures too and fear can cloud them as well. My thought was about stray dogs at the time. Don't get me wrong, I did think about the amount of people who would have to suffer due to the earthquake and tsunami alert. However, how many stray dogs or animals, for the matter who was already or about to be injured by this natural disaster. The bigger question was : Would they be saved? 
The video above depicts the journey of a stray blind dog who was rescued from the trash. Well, we don't have to look far to realise that is was a HUMAN BEING who abandoned the dog. To make matters even worse, she was 100% blind. This video portrays the sufferings, pains and a wonderful miracle that allows this little dog to see again. Through her eyes, we are able to see how hope and perseverance of this little dog helps healing and she clearly highlights why we should NEVER abuse, abandon or mistreat stray dogs.
(P.S : Please allow your tears to flow from your eyes as your watching this video. Imagine if is was your dog. I did both.)


  1. She (Fiona) was abandoned in the trash and was blind. Just looking at her, you can sense there is fear in her eyes and the way she reacts when people try to rescue her. Its a miracle story. In the end, Fiona gets back her vision. Would you do the same if you saw a dog in the trash? Or maybe just alert the authorities?

  2. so pity..eventhough it was forbidden to touch dogs in our religion,but it does not mean i would not rescue them if they were threatened in such situations.Dogs obviously have their feelings.they also created by God and have their rights to live happily in the earth..

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, you're kind. A least abused dogs by some inhumane owners are brought to justice, but what about stray abused dogs? Yes, I believe that they are overlooked most of the time.

  3. I realy Apperciate about your blog and including deatails.
    I am JUDE.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment. Do you feel about these stray dogs that have been abused? Are you a pet or dog owner?

  4. When I was watching the video,I asked to join me my little daughter. She started to ask some questions, while I was explaining the story: Who did abuse the dog? Why dog has been abused? Who's the owner? why dog is blind? and more another questions. She immediately put herself instead of the girl in the video and told me: This is me. I have grew up and taking care of the puppy!She asked me to replay the video many times... I think she gave me many reasons to see the issue differently. grow up!
    Thanks Maria for sharing your idea with us.
    Good luck!

    1. Hi,

      I appreciate your comment. I bet your little girl found it hard to watch this video. My sister could not even even listen to the song in the video. It was just too much. She kept asking me the reason I posted this video up on my blog. Well, I have to say people take this issue very lighty, they have to see to believe. I really hope I can reach out to as many as I can to spread this awareness and to actually make a social change in their attitudes.

  5. Lives of all must be respected.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, you are very right. An animal's life should be respected even more because they have no voice and only a number of humans are standing up for them.

  6. Hi Maria
    Thank you for sharing and highlighting this issue. The video of Fiona, the stray dog, is a moving one and tugs at the heartstrings. I wish you all the best in your quest to spread awareness of the need to address the concerns of strays.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your support. Yes, I hope my quest is successful. I really want to make a social change. I never really paid attention to stray dogs in the past, but now being a dog owner, stray dogs are as beautiful and lovely as our pet dogs at home. Why do they always suffer?

  7. Hi Maria,

    It really saddens me to see that these beautiful animals are being abused or abandoned. I wish people would take more attention when it comes to spaying. I feel that most strays are abandoned because their previous owners are not responsible and do not feel the need to spay their pets because they think it is 'cruel'. What's cruel is not spaying them and then abandoning the dogs or their pups when the owners grow tired of them or can no longer accommodate them. I see the same problem all the time with some cat owners too. It is just sad to see what selfish beings our kind can be, we domesticate animals as companions when we need company, then abandon them when we no longer fancy them and leave them to their own means.

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for your comment. Yes, spaying is important. In fact, I would like to focus on spaying as a solution for stray dogs. There's nothing more awful, then to watch little puppies having to face the world alone after their parents have been euthanized. Spaying and neutering are positive methods that contribute in saving stray dogs. Later on, I would will writing some posts on this matter as well.

  8. Hi Maria,

    It is great that you are highlighting the issues of inhumane conduct towards animals. Acts of violence or neglect of any kind towards animals should and must be stopped. Cruelty towards animals should receive nothing less than criminal sanctions. Your blog would definitely create awareness to a large section of society which lacks empathy towards animals.
    “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated” - Mahatma Gandhi.
    All the best Maria.

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your comment. Yes, it is true. I'm hoping to have a petition as well because I need to encourage people to act and show their support.

  9. Hi,

    Good show. Been working 4 d vet 4 33yrs never thought about it. the campaign is worth while getting the crowd to be aware of the present dog situation. Dogs make a difference in the rat race, now its all about the money. Dogs are A great contribution to man's world. cheers ! keep up the good work

    express guitarist

    1. Hi,

      Thank you for the support. I want people to notice how stray dogs have been treated. Yes, I believe dogs make us more human when we learn to respect them and realize the beauty of animals, instead of the rat race :)


All comments are appreciated very much! Thank you.