Thursday, 19 April 2012

Spay a Stray !

How Can We Help Stray Dogs ?

Yes, it easy to pick up the phone and make a complaint about stray dogs to either a government or private body. But, think again : Can we find another way to help these poor abandoned dogs ? Do we just resort to ending their lives straight away just because they are considered 'violent', 'pests' or  'destroyers' ? I strongly believe in dogs being put down, but methods such as shooting should be banned. Well, watching humans running after stray dogs to shoot them down or even bringing them into pounds to be shot is not a pretty sight. I'm of course speaking from my horrific past experiences. Imagine if the 'shooting' was conducted in a residential area, where little kids can have a full view of this ghastly sight. 

Believe or not, spaying or neutering can be the last solution before a stray dog is killed. Here are my top 3 reasons why strays should be spayed :

1.     Prevents a litter (So that the harmless puppies are not killed
        off with the 'mother dog')                                                       

2.     Stray dogs are less harmful after the spaying (They become
        friendlier, more affectionate with humans, plus they don't  
        mark their territory! - Hence less violence !)                       

3.     Prevent cancer in male and female stray dogs ! (You are
        actually looking after a dog's health when you say yes to
        spaying! - In this case, a stray dog's health !)

*      Food For Thought : Made a stray dog happy last night     
        after dad and I gave him our leftover food. Poor dog was
        so hungry, wagging his tail, he had his dinner. :)              

(Gender Reminder : DOG spelled backwards is GOD ! So, beware of how you treat them !)

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