I would like to say a big and warm THANK YOU to all of my audience for helping me with this Cyber Community Movement (CCM) Project by supporting my blog on stray dogs as well as participating in my online petition that I created at iPetition.com to promote the awareness of abused stray dogs. I am happy and grateful that I was able to reach my target of a 100 signatures for my online petition. Below is the link to the data of the signatures I've managed to obtain. Feel free to view them :
I never thought it was possible. I do have to admit it was difficult at the beginning to persuade and influence people to be a part of my project but somehow through my blog, emails and a lot of help from Facebook and lastly not forgetting by word of mouth through pamphlets, I finally managed to make a difference.
I never thought it was possible. I do have to admit it was difficult at the beginning to persuade and influence people to be a part of my project but somehow through my blog, emails and a lot of help from Facebook and lastly not forgetting by word of mouth through pamphlets, I finally managed to make a difference.
It has been a wonderful and great experience for me to complete my project for my SAU 216 Globalization, Cyber Culture & Future Studies course. When I started this course, I was very worried because 'creating a social movement and 'making a change' was a very abstract thing to me. I was hesitant and even thought that I had signed up for the wrong course because I was not really into the 'cyber world'. However, my mindset has changed and making a difference in the world can be achieved using the cyber world. There is no doubt that the cyber community we live in is expanding and if we tend to ignore it because we perceive it to be 'negative', then it will be a great lost. I've learnt that many positive things can come out of blogging and connecting with people from all over the world as well as those who are close to me.
Change is possible through the Internet if we really put our minds to it. I have learned that it also takes more patience in influencing people to participate in my project. I've learned a thing a two about human behaviour while interacting through the cyber space. Forms and methods of interactions on cyber space has to be altered in order to persuade people to participate in my project. Yes, they are some people who are very supportive and some who are difficult to interact with. However, I'm looking on the bright side that I was able to interact with people near and far to spread the awareness which I hold so closely to my heart.
This project has also made an impact on me as a animal lover and as an university student. In order for people to change around me in supporting this cause, I had to take the first step in making people believe that I was truly sincere and concerned about abused stray dogs. Change starts with us, as individuals regardless whether we decide to use cyber space as a platform.
I would like to dedicate this blog to all the abused stray dogs who are still out there and those who have not survived. May God Bless their souls and may justice for them prevail !
I'll leave you all with some great quotes which I strongly believe in:
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world"- Mahatma Gandhi
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."- Margaret Mead
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language"- Martin Buber
This project has also made an impact on me as a animal lover and as an university student. In order for people to change around me in supporting this cause, I had to take the first step in making people believe that I was truly sincere and concerned about abused stray dogs. Change starts with us, as individuals regardless whether we decide to use cyber space as a platform.
I would like to dedicate this blog to all the abused stray dogs who are still out there and those who have not survived. May God Bless their souls and may justice for them prevail !
I'll leave you all with some great quotes which I strongly believe in:
"Be the change that you wish to see in the world"- Mahatma Gandhi
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."- Margaret Mead
"An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language"- Martin Buber
"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France
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Dixie's enjoying a nap on my bed. Look at how her eyes sparkle :) |
Very nice write up. Glad this project has made so much impact on you and others. Hey, don't sell Dinao away, consider lelong at the night market, may get better price.