The Reality : Why Many of Us Prefer Them Dead !
Stray dogs have been a menace and always will be! Sure, its a harsh statement but we can never deny that part of it is true. I would have said 'Fine' if a stray dog was to be put down when I was younger. They were like 'little monsters' in my eyes ! Many of us look at the dark of stray dogs based on experiences and events that occur around us. Once we've established that, it becomes a clear sign of what we MUST do : KILL THEM !!
Let's take a look at a few 'reasons' why we hate stray dogs :
1. Strays carry diseases : rabies
2. Strays suddenly begin to act aggressive and attacks little children
& the elderly
3. The ultimate : Strays can cause a person's life. They KILL.
In Kashmir, stray dogs have become a threat to humans. Officials plan on eradicating stray dogs through poisoning or just shooting. Are these methods acceptable when it comes to putting them down?
The Situation in Penang
My Question is : Do dogs in Penang pose the same threats as I've mentioned earlier on? How far are we willing to use different methods in killing them? I personally think poisoning and shooting are the most inhumane methods of killing them, even so if the dog has injured or killed a human being. Euthanizing each dog via injection can be an expensive method but can we actually offer each stray dog that option?
What Penangite Stray Dog's Do :
- Disruption of rubbish near residential areas
- Noise pollution
- Attack and hurting people
- Causing a construction breakdown or power failure
Yes, they're harmful but there are ways to stop them. Even the thought of poisoning a dog because he or she has caused unrest to a residential area is very questionable.
However, there is the other side to this story : Malaysians have double standards when it comes to cat and dogs, in this case stray cats and dogs! A stray dog is like a parasite rather than a stray cat. Why, who and how do we make assumptions like this? Stray cats have diseases and threats as well.
So what are your views on methods of killing stray dogs and why do Malaysians have this bad perception on stray dogs?
Photo by Maria Aloysius : Stray Dog in USM near the School of Languages Bus Stop |